
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soul Wars

Story Background

The Realmgate Wars were fought over the magical portals that bound the Mortal Realms together, but another conflict has been brewing in the shadows for thousands of years. This is a battle not for resources, nor for pure conquest, but for the immortal souls of the living and dead; a cosmic rivalry between gods who have carried their hatred through the ages. The spread of the light of civilisation, spearheaded by the God-King Sigmar, faces a dire threat posed by the Lord of Undeath, Nagash. Sigmar’s Sacrosanct Chambers, created to fight daemons and wraiths, face the malevolent spirits known as Nighthaunts in a battle for the free city of Glymmsforge…


52 push-fit Stormcast Eternals and Nighthaunt miniatures, along with a 320-page hardback Core Book and an exclusive 32-page Battle of Glymmsforge booklet. Soul Wars is the perfect boxed set for those who want to dive into this exciting new chapter in the Age of Sigmar right away.

The Miniatures

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soul Wars contains 52 miniatures – 33 Nighthaunt, and 19 Stormcast Eternals – providing 2 players with an army each with which to do spectacular battle. Each miniature is push-fit, with no glue necessary, meaning you can have them assembled and ready for war impressively quickly.


33 push-fit Nighthaunt miniatures:

– A Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed: a particularly sinister Nighthaunt leader atop a skeletal steed wearing ram’s horns, he wields a sword of stolen hours in his right hand;
– A Lord Executioner: distinguishable by the macabre gallows lashed to his back (and the screaming souls surrounding it), this miniature is armed with a decapitating greataxe;
– A Guardian of Souls: this Nighthaunt wizard carries a chill blade in his left hand, with a tall nightmare lantern in the other, used to summon the spirits of the dead;
– A Spirit Torment: masked and pitiless, this miniature uses the heavy shacklegheist chains he carries to attack his enemies in swinging arcs;
– 4 Grimghast Reapers: cursed, indiscriminate killers, the Grimghast Reapers are armed with double-handed slasher scythes – their leader, the Extoller of Shyish, carries a great bell known as the death knell;
– 5 Glaivewraith Stalkers: unstoppable gheists with a 2-handed hunter’s glaive;
– A 20-strong Chainrasp Horde: each armed with a malignant weapon – axes, swords, and flails feature heavily here – this frightening force is led by a Dreadwarden, who wields a 3-pronged candelabra.

Stormcast Eternals

19 push-fit Stormcast Eternals miniatures:

– A Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-charger: a splendidly-armoured, mounted centrepiece carrying an aetherstave. His Gryph-charger is rearing high, showing off its sharp claws and razor beak;
– A Knight-Incantor: this female Stormcast Eternals wizard is armed with an incantor’s staff, and carries spirit flasks and a voidstorm scroll;
– 3 Evocators: a unit of Stormcast Eternals wizards, each armed with a tempest blade and stormstave, led by an Evocator-Prime;
– A unit of 5 Castigators: each armed with a thunderhead greatbow specially designed to destroy the ethereal, this unit is led by a Castigator-Prime;
– 8 Sequitors: led by a Sequitor-Prime, this unit of fearsome warriors is armed with stormsmite mauls, along with soulshields;
– A Celestar Ballista: a large piece of mobile artillery that launches bolts of blessed sigmarite, crewed by 2 Stormcast Eternals clutching not only sigmarite blades but a variety of instruments used to calibrate the ballista.

The Books

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soul Wars is packed with gaming content – the complete, unabridged Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Book is included, full of background and rules, along with 3 booklets that explain how to play games, from the basic rules to the more advanced, optional rules you can slot in at your leisure.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Book & Core Rules

Everything you need to set up and play immediately. Combined with the myriad optional rules found in the Core Book it’s an incredibly powerful and flexible basis for playing wargames with your miniatures the way you want to.

Contained within:
– Detailed background on the history leading up to the Age of Sigmar
– The full Core Rules – an illustrated and annotated guide showing how to play Warhammer Age of Sigmar in an easy to follow manner;
– A guide to Open Play games, to Narrative Play games, to Matched Play games.

Gaming Content

– 12 14mm, 6-sided turquoise gem dice;
– A 12” transparent range ruler;
– An easy to follow, colour construction guide with step by step instructions for each miniature, making the push-fit models even easier to build
– A Stormcast Eternals transfer sheet.

Also included is a 32-page preview of the Black Library novel Soul Wars.